Aim & Objectives

Home Objectives

We are working hard to achieve our Goal

Bangladesh Medical Equipment Importers and Suppliers Association (BMEISA) is to aid in the advancement and expansion of the Health Sector in Medical Service and it will stop the unequal Profit competition; promoting activities that will enable the Medical Equipment Importer and Suppliers to conduct itself with the Best Quality Product and efficiency to improve members’ success in business. With that can play a leading role in the country’s health services. Our Objectives are as follows:


The main objective of to establish a strong platform for Medical Equipment importers and Suppliers.

The Association helps to develop the healthcare sector by importing and supplying all kinds of high-quality Bio-Medical equipment and services and also providing relevant training.

The association will take necessary steps to establish an ethical and moral practice for importing and supplying medical equipment & services.

The association will act to prevent excessive profit and ensure Justification in terms of product price and quality.

The association will prepare sufficient knowledgeable and efficient manpower and infrastructure within the country to ensure the use of internationally latest technology and equipment.

The association will take initiative to prevent fraudulent businessmen and Non-quality product imports.

The association will ensure the joint-venture project to encourage direct foreign investment and also create a road map to export the products abroad.

The association will take necessary steps which help to reduce the expenditure of foreign Currency by inspiring people to take treatment inside Bangladesh and also promote Domestic available high-quality treatment facilities within the country.

The association will take necessary steps which help to reduce the expenditure of foreign Currency by inspiring people to take treatment inside Bangladesh and also promote Domestic available high-quality treatment facilities within the country.

The association will work to accumulate the latest information on healthcare development in the world and provide this to the government for their strategic planning.

The association will establish Bio-Medical & Clinical Engineering facilities and training as a joint venture with reputed international medical equipment manufacturers

The association will organize international medical Fare and seminars. The association also maintains a library at its own office.

The association will act to handle misunderstandings among the medical equipment business entity and solve amicably if any significant problem arises among them.

To promote advanced medical and allied Technology in all their different branches and to promote the improvement of public health and medical education in Bangladesh.

The Association will encourage foreign investors to invest in Bangladesh in the Healthcare sector.

The Association will act to create a new job market and reduce the unemployment problem of the nation.

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